Saturday 11 June 2016

Our Children's Views Voiced at Children's Parliament

On Wednesday 8th June our P4-7 Pupil Council reps and a group of P6 pupils were invited to take part in a Children's Parliament project at Summerhall to explore their views on the minimum age of criminal responsibility, through discussion, games and creative art activities. Thank you to Cathy McCulloch (Co-Director Children's Parliament) and Chelsea Stinson (Children's Voices Programmes Manager) for the invitation and the opportunity for our children to share their ideas and opinions.

In Scotland, the minimum age of criminal responsibility is currently set at 8 years of age and plans are being explored to increase that to 12 years of age. As part of the consultation process, it is commendable that the Scottish Government is actively seeking young people's views. Our twenty pupils were part of that ongoing process. The Children's Parliament project they were invited to attend on Wednesday was one of several commissioned by Tam Baillie, The Children and Young People's Commissioner in Scotland. Tam has very kindly offered to come and speak at our P1-3 and P4-7 Assemblies in September, to explain his role to our pupils.

Article 12 The right to an opinion and for it to be listened to and taken seriously.

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